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Download Letter Meadow on the App Store
Download Number Island on the App Store
December 16th, 2019

Meet Our Chief Creative Officer and Learn What Inspires Him!


I’ve loved drawing animals and trees since I was five years old. Twenty-one years later, not much has changed.

Living in such a fast paced and digital culture I try as often as I can to explore nature. As an artist walking through the forest is like scrolling through pages of unfiltered inspiration. The skies are full of unique beautiful paintings each and every day.

It only makes sense that my love for the natural world and art has lead me to become part of the Wonder Bunch team. Every piece of art I’ve created for Wonder Bunch is rooted in those times spent outdoors.

I think the process for creating the art for Wonder Bunch is actually a good description of the app. I’ve been creating the art with an iPad and apple pencil. It’s the perfect marriage of age old painting techniques with new digital tools.

Thats how I see the Wonder Bunch world, it doesn’t shy away from the latest technology but responsibly merges it with a calming art style and solid educational methods.

The result is an app that looks and feels more relaxing and inspirational for children.

I think I’ll go for a walk now.

– Skylar