Five Apps For Anxious Children
It's common and completely normal for very little children to have very big fears. Loud noises, new faces, and strange places are sure to have children clutching for their parents. But when do those normal...
We have worked so hard creating our fun and entertaining educational apps Letter Meadow and Number Island because we know just how important daily learning is for growing minds! But we also know that staying sharp means regular mental calisthenics, and daily word games can play an important part in both staying sharp, and decompressing after a long day.
This month, we’ve asked a few fellow parents which vocab games they love, and tried them out ourselves. Let us know your favorites, or which games you think we should try out next!
Free (for now)
Don’t confuse this with the game by the same name in The App Store. Wordle was recently bought by The New York Times, but do you know the story behind the viral sensation? The game was designed and developed by a New York software engineer named Josh Wardle (get the word play on that name?) who came up with the idea as a gift for his partner, Palak Shah, who loves word games.
Each day, a single five letter word is chosen. You have six chances to guess the word, and you’ll rely on color coded cubes to let you know how close you are to the right answer. If the cube turns dark gray, you’ve guessed the wrong letter. If the cube lights up orange, you’ve got the right letter, but it’s in the wrong place. If your letter turns green, you’ve got the right letter, right place.
This virtual game of Scrabble might be just what your long-distance friendship needed! Connect with people you know, or play against a random opponent. Chat functions can be disabled, making the game safe and appropriate for all ages, and opponents are matched based on skill level.
Each game begins with seven tiles per player. Aim for the bonus spaces and build your board strategically. Nobody wants to get played into a corner!
Free with In-app purchases
In this Tetris-Meets-Word Search mashup, it’s a race to find the word before your screen fills with letters. The longer the word, the more your screen clears. There is only a single daily puzzle, so SpellTower offers its users a chance to sharpen their skills without falling into an endless gaming cycle. Developers have recently upgraded the game to allow you to play the daily puzzle up to three times, however, recording only your highest score.
Free Unlimited Play
Grow your vocabulary and take over the board in this competitive game that’s been compared to Risk meets Scrabble. It will take every word in your lexicon and all the strategy you can muster to take the game from friends, random opponents, or bots of varied difficulty levels.
Free with Ads
You’ll flex your patience and logic decoding famous quotes and sayings in this daily coded puzzle game. How fast can you crack it?
Free with Ads
Is it a word search or a jigsaw puzzle? It can be both! Each game is centered around a theme, like art, history, geography, food, current events, etc. You’ll find related words and fit them into your daily puzzle, but not necessarily how you thought they would fit! You’ll move your letters manually, pushing each box one at a time into place to create your puzzle board.
We want to know what word games you love these days! Drop us a comment or email us at Hello@WonderBunch.Com