Have a Ball at the College World Series
One of our favorite summer traditions we are excited to share with our children this year is the College World Series. A real slice of Americana, we are so excited to be able to attend...
Knowing how important it is to limit screen time (and how important the quality of children’s limited screen time is) is the reason we decided to create the Wonder Bunch Media family of apps and storybooks in the first place. The statistics are only too easy to find, how few truly safe apps there were for children and just how little time they should be spending on devices. We took to heart the experts’ advice to monitor how much and what kind of screen time kids were getting.
But outside of the digital world, we were being told to watch “how much” of just about everything our children were getting their sweet, sticky hands on. From after school snacks to access to headphones, there is an upwards limit on everything kids are interested in!
But this sweet season, we wanted to put together a list of things that prove too much of a good thing is a great thing!
While old wives’ tales have persisted that holding and cuddling your little one too much will spoil them, it’s just not possible. We’ve all been reprimanded by an elder for picking up a crying baby because it will hinder their independence, but the opposite is actually true! Studies show that comforting your child whenever they need you helps them develop a sense of security that gives them the freedom to become independent. So cuddle, squeeze, and love that little one as long as they want and as long as you can.
While it is possible for kids to have too many toys, books are friends just waiting to be made! Access to unlimited story time means endless opportunities to learn, grow, and build an imagination that spans worlds. You can build your own library, ask friends and family to gift your children their favorites, and even sign them up for a monthly subscription service to feed their need to read!
How many chances do you wish you had to get things just right? You are in a unique position to give your children as many chances as it takes to become who they deserve to be. Right now they aren’t learning how to do things right. They’re just learning how to try and how to not give up. The more patience you give them, the more successful they’ll be! And those lessons will stay with them for life.
Fresh Air
Depending on your location, there are only a few days a year that aren’t fit for man or beast to be outdoors. It was our first home, and it’s still where our bodies want to be. So whether the weather outside is frightful or delightful, little bodies want to be at play! Bundle up in layers, slather on the sunscreen, and hit the road for as long as they’re willing to play. The sunshine is just as good for you as it is for them!
There may be limits on how many treats you can give your little sweet, but nobody ever suffered from having as much love as you have for your family. We hope you are having a truly abundant season, and are enjoying giving your children all the good they deserve!